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Lamplighters Summer Study 2012
While the official first day of summer may be over a month away, it already feels like it’s upon us in Austin. School is almost out and we’ve already hit temperatures in the 90’s. Have you made plans to stay in God’s Word this summer? The Lamplighters Summer Study begins this week and it’s…

New Lamplighters Study Begins Soon!
When was the last time you received a handwritten letter? Ink spilled on a page in familiar script telling the news of the day from far away and signed with love? Letters are rare commodities these days in which communication is more likely to come in the form of a text or tweet than pen…
Summer Reading Recommendations
Suggested Reading List, Summer, 2013 The Stories That Bind Us from The New York Times A Grace Revealed, by Jerry Sittser A Sanctuary of the Soul, Richard Foster The Blessing, by Trenton Smalley I’m Proud of You, My Friendship with Fred Rogers, by Tim Madigan Unchristian, What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity and…