“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

—Acts 1:8

What’s Next?… Acts

What happens after Jesus returns to heaven? Come explore what Jesus and the Holy Spirit continue to do in the book of Acts, and discover how all believers, including us, fit into the on-going story.

Together in Christ,

Jan, Lynn, and Shannon

Lamplighters equips and encourages women, through the study of God’s Word, to follow Jesus wherever they live, work, and play. 

Lamplighters Bible Study is a ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church that helps women of all ages and stages of faith grow closer to God and one another through Bible study, prayer, and community, so that we may, in turn, reflect Christ’s light to the world.

Covenant Presbyterian Church